A new version of the Canon EOS plugin for Final Cut is now available. I use this plugin to convert my Canon 5D and 7D footage from h264 Quicktimes to ProRes422 files for editing. The updated plugin lets you see information about the camera and settings in the Log and Transfer window. This is new for the updated plugin but this extra info (like shutter speed, f-stop, lens info, etc.) doesn't translate over to the transcoded ProRes files. You can just see the info before conversion. Also the lens info only works with Canon or compatible electronic lenses. Even so, it's nice to see the camera info when choosing shots to transcode.
I didn't see any change in transcoding speed and the rest of the functions are the same at version 1.0 of the plugin. There is support for the new 60D camera which will come in handy I'm sure.Link to version 1.1 download: http://software.canon-europe.com/software/0039308.asp Snehal PatelDirector/DP: www.FearlessProductions.tv
Instructor: www.CanonBootCamp.com