What is Project Chimera?
CHIMERA is a music video for the track PIYA DnB by electronic music maven Janaka Selekta. The video depicts an abstract interpretation of Classical Indian dance performance set in a Cyberpunk future storyline.
CHIMERA was filmed using a Virtual Production LED stage with the addition of real-time AR objects created with Volumetric capture technology. The filming utilized the latest in Camera Tracking technology along with a Motion Control Robot and featuring lighting synchronized with Unreal Engine content.
CHIMERA is enhanced by various AI tools utilized during the full production process.
Model: Aishwarya Parandkar
Behind the Scenes and Tutorial video series available on
TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook & LinkedIn
βVirtual Production and Volumetric Capture are valuable and accessible tools for any filmmaker.β
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Janaka Selekta's PIYA Drum and Bass Remix aka Project Chimera is a cyberpunk thrill ride featuring a three-way battle of the hearts. Watch Diya the Heroine, Durga the Foil and Saraswati the Dancer fight over the powerful Orb of the City.
Piya DnB Track by: Janaka Selekta ft Alam Khan, Shrii & Sheela Bringi
Music Video Stars: Vyjayanthi Vadrevu, Joya Kazi and Bushra Khan
Directed by: Fearless aka Snehal Patel @fearlesscamera
English translation of lyrics
My heart is in love with you, my beloved
My heart's not in it without you, my beloved
1st stanza
All those beautiful nights
Not knowing what lies ahead
But we hold on to those sweet memories
2nd stanza
How do I fulfill
All the promises i made
In all the relationships that I carry from the past
Producer: Aman Segal @aman.segal
Virtual Production Producer: Thomas George Thudiyanplackal @storyteller_tom
Associate Producer: Aishwarya Sonar
Choreographer: Joya Kazi @joyakazientertainment
Cinematographer: Robert McLachlan, ASC, CSC @rbmasc
DP/Cam Operator: Tim Nagasawa @harukitron
Cam Operator: Eric Schilling @ericjohnschilling
1st AC: Ram Murugesan @dualpixelstudio
2nd AC: Moose Cohn
Motion Control Op: Andrew Rozendal (Spacewalk Moco)
Motion Control Tech: Jordan Schafer (Spacewalk Moco)
STYPE Support: DJ Djordje Stijepovic
Gaffer: Shawn Duchscherer
Mimik Operator: Alan Ipakchi (Kino Flo)
Mimik Engineer: Mark Primrose (Kino Flo)
Key Grip: Jason Younger
Swing: Jay Rannow @jrannow
Art Director: Ethan Kankula
Picture car handler: Chad Utt @chadstyle
PA: Jacob Harding
Catering: Oscar Hernandez @tacosmiguerita
Virtual Production Supervisor / Lead Artist: Joshua Lykkeberg @mangoquaffer
Virtual Productions Supervisor: Henrique Kolbylko
Unreal Artist: Joel Siedl
Unreal Artist: Dalton Boisvert
Unreal Artist: Jesse Van Norman
Unreal Artist / Storyboard Artist: Nahn Le @nhan.quang.le
Costume & Prop Designer: Frank Ippolito (Thingergy)
Hair/ Makeup: Alisha Baijounas @alishamoviemakeup (Thingergy)
Makeup assistant: Zβdra Jaye @**zdrajayemua**
Costume/Pattern Maker: Jessica Shade @jessicaShade.art (Thingergy)
Props: Gary Crowl Jr. (Thingergy)
AI Conceptualizer: Thomas Mathai
LED Stage: Fuse Technical Group
Account Executive: Zoe Borys (Fuse Technical Group)
Virtual Production Display Specialist: Ritchie Argue (Fuse Technical Group)
Technical Producer: Mitch Lathrop (Fuse Technical Group)
POC: Marisa Uribe (Fuse Technical Group)
Video Engineer: Jared LeClaire (Fuse Technical Group)
Systems Engineer: Patricio Guerra (Fuse Technical Group)
VP Technician: James Gallagher (Fuse Technical Group)
VP Technical Artist: John Paul Salagan (Fuse Technical Group)
VP Technician: Peyton Schleh (Fuse Technical Group)
LED Technician: Eric Cervantes (Fuse Technical Group)
LED Technician: Ricardo Cruz (Fuse Technical Group)
Volumetric Scan: Digital Nation Entertainment
C3PO: Addie Reiss (Digital Nation Entertainment)
Data Systems Integrator: Greg Kendall (Digital Nation Entertainment)
Mimik Lights: KinoFlo @kinoflolightingsystems
Premista Zoom Lenses: Fujifilm @fujinonlenses
LED Volume Stage Location: Fuse Technical Group @fusetechnicalgroup
Sisu Robot: Spacewalk MoCo @spacewalkmoco
Props & Costumes: Thingergy @thingergy
4D Volumetric Capture: Digital Nation Entertainment @digitalnationent
Unreal Optimization: MODTech Labs @modtechlabs
Camera Support: Keslow Camera @keslowcamera
Picture Car (Luna Cyberbike): Tarform @tarform & Wires Only @wiresonly
Komodo X cameras: RED Digital Cinema @RED
#11 Dolly: JL Fisher @jlfisher_inc
Camera Tracking: Stype @stype
Grip Equipment: Matthews @matthewsgrip
Volumetric Support: Dengenuity Labs @dengenuitylabs
DaVinci Resolve: BlackMagic Design @blackmagicnewsofficial
BTS Videographer and Editor: Navik Nanubhai @navik_nanubhai
BTS Videographer: Dre Alexandria @drealexandria.cine
Social Media Manager: Carolina Holguin @77framesmedia
BTS Equipment provided by: Fujifilm @fujifilmx_us & Hotrod Cameras @hotrodcameras
On-Set Photography: Nathalie Gordon
Frieder Hochheim (Kino Flo)
Victor Ha (Fujifilm)
Tom Fletcher (Fujinon)
Stosh Durbascz (Fujinon)
Jackie Merry (Fujifilm)
Jenny Muroe (Fujifilm)
Taras Kravtchouk (Tarform)
Adam Lewis (Galaxy)
RD (Wires Only)
Uday Mathur (RED)
Stype Cajic (Stype)
Josko Prigradic (Stype)
Illya Friedman (HotRod)
Tyler Philips (Matthews)
Martin Torner (Matthews)
Tim Porter (ModTech)
Alex Porter (ModTech)